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Posted by2 years ago

Being a digital currency, cryptocurrency requires a special approach when it comes to acquiring and storing it. Before owning any coins, you need somewhere to keep them. That place is called a wallet. If you want to get involved in crypto world it is essential to understand how these crypto wallets work, so that you can chose the one that will meet all your needs.
A SOFTWARE WALLET  is commonly known as ‘hot’ and is often connected to the internet. You need to download a software client to create a wallet; you don't have to purchase it.
There are three forms of software wallets: desktop wallets, online wallets and mobile wallets. Desktop wallets are for laptops and computers; where the software is installed on your device. They can be accessed from a single computer. Online wallets are wallets that run on the cloud and require an internet connection. They can be accessed from any device. Mobile wallets are software wallets that are downloaded onto your mobile device in the form of an app. These are simple and easy to use and have many additional features over other wallets including QR code scanning. You can access them from anywhere.
Software wallets are probably the most accessible and convenient for users to exchange and send crypto. All you need is the password for the software and the user interface will make sending and exchanging cryptocurrencies fairly simple. In the case that you forget your password or your computer is damaged or hacked, you can restore your wallet by using the recovery phrase. Generally, software wallets are free and quite straightforward to set up and use. The most popular software wallets are Electrum, Exodus, Jaxx and Coinbase.
A major drawback of software wallets is that they are still connected to the internet that means they could be hacked remotely. While using any hot wallet, user’s IP can be traced and their data packets on the internet can be analyzed, leaving some digital footprints to make them a target. 
A software wallet might be the best way to store cryptocurrency for beginners who want quick access to easily monitor and exchange digital assets.
However, if security is the highest priority for the user, a software wallet is not exactly their cup of tea, remaining highly vulnerable to hacking when connected to the internet.

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Posted by2 years ago

The increasing popularity of digital currencies goes hand in hand with the rise of hacking. That’s why it is highly important to take responsibility for your money and store it securely without risking to lose it all. Today, there are many forms of cryptocurrency wallets that vary in terms of safety and security, convenience and accessibility, so that every cryptocurrency user can chose the one which suits them most.

A HARDWARE WALLET, which is also a cold wallet, is a kind of cryptocurrency wallet that stores the user's private keys in a secure hardware device. As the private keys never leave the physical wallet, it is considered the safest way of storing coins. There have been no incidents of theft or loss of money from a hardware wallet to this day. To set up your wallet, you need to write down the seed word (recovery phrase) and store it in a separate physical location. When storing the backup electronically the security level substantially lowers. With the help of the recovery phrase you can easily restore your coins in the case of damage to your hardware wallet. As long as your hardware wallet is not connected to a computer, your funds are safely stored offline. Your main concern is to keep the hardware from getting stolen.

Hardware wallets has some formidable advantages compared to existing alternatives. These wallets are user-friendly and portable. They can be used securely and interactively, as private keys never need to touch potentially-vulnerable software. Moreover, private keys being stored in a protected area of a microcontroller cannot be transferred out of the device in plaintext. Since their software is usually open source, a user can validate the entire operation of the device. And last but not least, hardware wallets are immune to computer viruses.

Ledger and Trezor are the most popular brands for hardware wallets that gained a favorable reputation.

Hardware cryptocurrency wallets offer their users one of the highest level of security in terms of cryptocurrency storage. They manage to achieve a good balance between facilitating the blockchain transactions and keeping crypto funds offline and away from danger. Now, if you are ready to pay for peace of mind and invest in a device made by a reliable and proficient manufacturer with a good name, your funds will be safe and secure.

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Posted by2 years ago

Since the launch of in August 2018 we have been relentlessly working on making the experience of using our mixing services a no-brainer for our partners. We are happy to say that we are almost there. Starting the end of October, it is safe to say that in order to set up a Jambler-based mixer, all that our partners are going to need is an intention of having one. will be rolling out its new Mixer-as-a-Service model and, therefore, taking care of hosting costs and tech support of your mixer and Telegram bot. For the Clearnet version of a bitcoin mixer, partners would have to obtain a domain name. For the Tor-mirror version, we would only need to know up to first seven characters of a preferred domain name, or Jambler partners can deal with Tor on their own. For Telegram bots, we would need your Telegram token. All the setup is on us. We in turn are expecting at least one paid transaction within the span of the first 3 months made through your mixer.

No more technical overhead. Nearly zero investment. To register your interest and do a pre-order of the new feature, drop a “+” in reply to this post or contact [email protected] with the “MaaS Pre-Order” subject line.
1 point · 2 years ago

It a ponzi scheme so don't use this service at all.

see more
Original Poster1 point · 2 years ago

Excuse me, but I don't think you've taken the time to research how Jambler operates. On our platform, all profit made by investors and partners comes from the fee paid by end customers who are willing to mix their funds. This is an honest business model, quite unlike the Ponzi scheme where earlier investments are repaid from later ones (which inevitably cease at some point). And besides, we try not to attract more investments than needed at any given moment for the purposes of mixing. As for the MaaS offer in particular, it is there to make it easier for our partners to run a mixer. It is free and not aimed at making profit at all. If you are still not convinced we are an honest business, we are open for discussion and ready to answer all and any questions.

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Posted by2 years ago

A paper wallet.

Privacy is a form of power. Everyone has unalienable right to keep their personal and financial secrets, to have autonomy and control over their lives. Cryptocurrency became the answer to a long-standing problem with finance and freedom. Obviously, digital currency requires a different approach, particularly when it comes to acquiring and storing it. Bitcoin wallet is the equivalent of a physical wallet for transactions with Bitcoin. It stores a collection of secret keys which let you access the bitcoin address and, accordingly, your funds.

Cryptocurrency wallets can be digital and physical, online or offline. Hardware Bitcoin wallets and paper wallets are physical. They are meant to be used offline, such form of storage is known as cold storage.

A PAPER WALLET is a document which contains a public address that can be used to receive Bitcoins and a private key, which allows you to spend or transfer Bitcoins stored at that address. Paper wallets, due to the their similarity to paper currency, are usually considered best for beginners, and especially for those who have been handling fiat cash and credit cards for most of their lives.

Paper wallets can be created and used on any computer with a standard Web browser and are often printed in a form of QR-codes so that you can quickly scan them and add the keys to a software wallet to make a transaction. The main benefit of a paper wallet is that the keys are not stored digitally anywhere, which makes it completely immune to hacker attacks. Paper wallets put the responsibility of security right in the hands of their owner and the possibility of losing all coins simply by confiding in another party becomes impossible.

However, some precautions when creating a wallet still need to be taken. Obviously, before generating a paper wallet you need to make sure that no one is watching you do it. To rule out the risk of any spyware monitoring your activities, it is recommended to use a clean operating system, such as Ubuntu, running from a USB flash drive or DVD. Furthermore, once the paper wallet is set up, the website code should be able to run offline, which allows you to disconnect from the Internet before actually generating the keys. Finally, use a printer that is not connected to a network.

Cryptocurrency paper wallets offer a useful solution to the problem of storing funds for later use. They are one of the easiest forms of cold storage to start using. However, one should always remember that they are printing valuable private information on a piece of paper.

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Posted by2 years ago

Bitcoin, becoming widely used and widely trusted as a valid currency, attempts to fill the role of digital ‘cash’. Having numerous benefits and advantages, cryptocurrency differs greatly from other methods of online transactions in anonymity and decentralization. The most fundamental benefits of using Bitcoin are the following: irreversible transactions, quick payments, no involvement of any third party, reduced transaction fees, ease of use, no paperwork and anonymity. However, while a certain degree of anonymity of Bitcoin is sufficient for most users or purposes, privacy is not guaranteed. The only privacy that exists in Bitcoin comes from pseudonymous addresses, which are vulnerable and easily compromised through various analysis methods, such as volume analysis, cluster analysis and taint analysis. Being acquainted with the first two methods, let us proceed to analyze the last one.

In the Bitcoin system, taint is a correlation between addresses. The correlation comes from the past transactions (received or spent). Taint analysis determines the closeness between multiple Bitcoin addresses. Any quantifiable measure of taint between two addresses creates a link between the two and may be used to discover previously unknown addresses in a payment scheme. Taint Analysis returns a list of addresses related to the queried address. Examining taint provides insight into efficacy of a Bitcoin mixing service. A successful mixing service should reduce the taint between the originating address and the receiving address to zero.

Hiding your identity in our digital world is quite tricky, as people always leave behind several digital footprints. Bitcoin by design is not anonymous, but if used wisely, it can give you more than enough privacy. There are various workaround solutions to make Bitcoin anonymous, including the use of Bitcoin mixing, a Tor browser, a logless VPN and a new address for every transaction. Still the technology has a long way to go, as it is fairly new and is constantly improving. - Bitcoin's anonymity is our business

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Posted by2 years ago

Dear users of, we identified an issue with verification bot. Now it is fixed. We kindly ask all users whose verification failed to go through the verification process again. If it is succeeded, you will receive notification from bot or you will see "verified" marked in green on your account. We apologise for any inconveniences and thank you for your understanding.

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Posted by2 years ago

Today, on August 20, 2018 we are excited to announce the official launch of! Over the past year we have been working hard on our platform and now it is open to users. We are inviting you to register on and experience the benefits of the platform right way. Explore our user-friendly website. Keep your payments secure. Start making money. Be the first to try it. Feel free to contact us with your questions via [email protected]
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Posted by2 years ago

Technology serves a purpose. The reasons someone craves privacy vary greatly. Some people believe that one should only be identified when and if they choose to be. Other people may not want somebody to know how much money they hold. Some may be hiding their funds from a corrupt third party. The appearance of cryptocurrencies enabled people to become part of the global economy and no border, bank or political power can deny them their right to save, send and receive money worldwide whenever they desire to. However, due to this situation, some concerned persons have found themselves at a disadvantage and deanonymization technologies have been starting intensively to progress.

In January 2018, the Bitfury Group introduced a system enabling the analysis of the Bitcoin blockchain, compilation of clusters of wallets owned by one user and comparison of them with public information in the Internet when available. Given the right circumstances, the last point can reveal not only the interconnection of certain wallets but also the ownership of a particular person. This technology minimizes a number of errors during data clusterization. Actually, it means if not particularly elimination of Bitcoin anonymity, then at least its considerable decrease.

Fortunately, there are some basic methods to increase privacy on the Bitcoin network available right now. One such a straightforward solution is using TOR or other methods to hide IP addresses. Another basic solution to increase privacy is creating a new wallet for each transaction. A slightly more advanced method to gain privacy is the use of mixers. Be careful when using classic mixers, as their addresses can be deanonymized by means of cluster analysis. To ensure your activity stays untraceable a great deal of work needs to be done. Nevertheless, Bitcoin users are able to enjoy a certain level of privacy, depending on how much of their identity they reveal, which of the anonymizing techniques they apply, how many, and how often. - Bitcoin's anonymity is our business

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